Classes with similar names or course numbers taken from UAS or UAF campuses, may not satisfy requirements for UAA degrees. Degree-seeking students taking distance classes from multiple universities should work closely with their program advisor when choosing classes.
UAA automatically transfers UAF/UAS coursework to your UAA record at the end of each semester for degree-seeking UAA/KPC students. Your UAF/UAS transfer work should be viewable in UAOnline and within your DegreeWorks audit two weeks after the semester ends. If more than two weeks have passed, email and request your UAF/UAS credits be evaluated.
The University of Alaska Transfer Credit Resource Site was designed to provide you with the ability to query a database of courses that have been officially evaluated from other regionally accredited universities and colleges within Alaska, across the United States, Canada and Australia. This site is not an official evaluation or a promise of how credits will transfer. It is intended as a resource tool to give students some idea of how things have transferred (or not) in the past. It is an excellent tool to gather information to bring with you for an appointment with your program advisor!