The disbursement's office processes paper scholarship checks received from private donors. Please see instructions below to make sure all necessary information is included with your check.
Checks may be mailed to:
Kenai Peninsula College
156 College Road
Soldotna, AK 99669
Students applying for private scholarships, please refer donors to this website for
Please note that scholarship checks will be applied to your student account AFTER the add/drop deadline for the semester being awarded.
Checks must be received (and signed if necessary) BEFORE the payment deadline in order to avoid late fees.
Donor Instructions
- Please make check payable to: Kenai Peninsula College. If checks are made out to student, university and student or otherwise, anticipate delays in processing.
- Mail checks to the address above.
- Instructions or award letters should accompany checks that include: recipients full name, student UA ID number (NOTE: Do not include student's SSN, it violates University FERPA. You may use last four digits of SSN and DOB if unable to provide UA ID), specific term award, and any additional requirements such as GPA or number of credits enrolled.
Other Tips:
- KPC will do our best to comply with the donor requirements, but only to the point of award to the student's account. It is up to the donor to track the student's progress or otherwise beyond the point of award.
- Donors are encouraged to ONLY include pertinent, relevant requirements in their award letter.
- We prioritize our workload based on complete information provided by the donor, to ensure timely processing it is important you include student ID numbers.
- KPC does not encourage scholarship funds to roll over to next semester as it is not ideal for IRS reporting to split an award between two calendar years.